Get rid of it, Sis


One of the life lessons I'm learned in my young adult life is 

                             IF IT NO LONGER SERVES YOU---- GET RID OF IT!!

Prime example: These holey pants. 

The sentimental value they hold comes from the 22 years old in me purchasing them from an H & M in Frankfort Germany when I was playing overseas for a bit in the Fall of 2014. 

A gratifying adventure living and playing overseas. So many memories and challenges that I faced happened during that time. But if I'm honest, I've got plenty more to remember than that significant time in my life. The pair of pants is just a small part. 

Yet. It took me a while to get rid of them. 

The giant hole wasn't always present. It at first started as a small tear in the crotch and as long as I kept my legs closed in public, I would be able to survive without exposure. 

But a tear doesn't just stay a tear. 

It grows and grows over time, after every wear, after every wash. And something that's hard to recognize is just how much carrying this item of clothing from one place in my life to the next, weighs me down. 

Because eventually, I could no longer wear it outside the house. Then inside the house, I would no longer wear it in front of company. Eventually, I grew to become annoyed with the gust of wind that would ride up my backside as I cleaned the house and other duties.

Nevertheless, it weighed me down. Losing its value and creating a disturbance when I wore it. 

"Well, Simone, it was just a pair of pants... go buy new ones"

Sure, but on the contrary... If I'm willing to keep an old pair of pants in my life that is becoming less and less valuable in service, what else am I choosing to carry around? Weighing me down. Leaving little room for growth and possible replacement. 

Here's my thought: What we carry in our thoughts reminds me so much of this example. I will be the first to say that I carry a lot of unnecessary thoughts in my head. Whether from conversations or decisions I've made, sometimes I will hoard thoughts that overtime prevents me from growth and essentially will mull over. These harmful thoughts create a bigger hole and take up way too much space in my head, creating a disconnect from potential healing and recultivating value. 

So. Flash Sale!! 


Just like a good spring cleaning of things of monetary value, I believe a good spring cleaning of things unseen is just as essential. 

I'm still learning how to do this. But I think I'm off to a good start with these pants. 

Because already, having a pair of pants that cover my assesst feels so much better <3 
