Happy Birthday, You

(a letter in 3rd person)

To my 18-year-old self,

I want to start by saying Thank You!

Thank you for the 'fuck ups'
Thank you for the wins
Thank you for believing in yourself
Thank you for not caving in.

In looking back you have taught me so much over the course of 10 years.

I've learned that beauty truly begins when you start to treat yourself kindly and respectfully.

I've learned that people will let you down, as you will others. Yet, it is not your responsibility to put back their broken pieces. That's for them to do
Just as you must do the same for yourself.

I've learned that I can be and do multiple things and that the journey isn't always about just one path.
That sometimes there are several avenues to serving one's purpose.

I've also learned of God's love. His kindness and grace for me, even when I am least deserving.

I've learned to love my skin, my hair, my thighs, my eyes. That every freckle, wrinkle, and stretch mark serve purposefully in the make-up of who I am.

I've learned that my biggest critic is myself. And despite the harmful things I can say and do to myself, that it is important not to shame the critic. That it's okay to love that part of myself too. To validate, understand, and consol with a part of myself that truly wants the best.

You've taught me that waiting sucks. Yet it is so necessary as it is how seeds grow and how the labor of our fruits flourish. It is how we've blossomed.

When I was 18, I desperately needed someone to hug and hold me and tell me everything would be okay. That the best has yet to come and that everything I was doing was only preparing me for greater service. A bigger purpose.
As 10 years have now passed, I hope to do better in taking care of myself. To not wait for permission to speak up or out. To give a compliment and a hug at all costs. And most importantly, to live and love fearlessly.

I have lived 27 greatly difficult blissfully triumphant years. I don't have the power to predict year 28 but I know ready now more than ever as every moment before has led me here.

Don't give up on yourself
On love
Or on your dreams.

hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss

