That hurt, Sis

"Hey, Sis, this is going to hurt to hear, but that sucked what you said..."

Why don't we tell our friends how and when they have hurt us before it's too late?

What is it about our discomforting feelings that we shield them from others, knowing how their behaviors have made us feel them?
Is it to not make them feel bad?
Not make to a situation worse? 
Or trying to tough it out because feeling feelings make us feel?

I don't get it.
And I know I don't have the answers because I sit here now unnerved about a few things friends have done recently. If history holds true to repeating itself, I know what will happen next... I have been hurt by a friend therefore over time those unattended feelings will be shoved into a box I have titled "Do Not Feel."
However, this box isn't made to hold years and years of unkept emotions and eventual some random shit will go down and I will end up feeling all the shoved resentment from this fragile box all at the same damn time. Truly not a pretty sight for anyone near 100 yeards of me.

It seems silly to say and think that when one's actions, behaviors, and words poke us in all the wrong places, that we as beings who feel, can make ourselves not do the thing we beings are meant to do. Feel.
They say that we shouldn't let others actions, behaviors, and words hurt us. Sticks and stones right? But hell, I don't know about you, but enough of them bad boys and I'll start to turn black and blue externally and internally.

Here's why I think that is:
Because our bodies don't just feel with our senses on the outside, like touch and taste for example. All of that information is transferred to our brain that helps us to process what we just felt, tasted, smelled. And no matter the information transferred, it all has an effect on our body's reaction to it. If you eat peanut butter but are allergic to peanuts, your body is not going to be like... "Ah, it's just sticks and stones!" NO! Your body knows to react and reject the very thing that made it feel discomfort. And oftentimes, with an allergic reaction, our bodies need assistance to help return it to a normal/comfortable state.

So why wouldn't the same be true when it comes to our emotions and when we receive information that hurts. Whether its being let go, being misunderstood, getting rejected, or being shamed for opening up and showing vulnerability. I mean... what is your is body, your soul, and your heart supposed to do with that? What can it do if we continue to let the pain sit untouched inside? When are we supposed to heal when new hurts are piling up on top of the old ones? How is our body supposed to recover when we swallow the peanut butter and say it's going to be okay even though it hurts to breathe?

Again, I sit here without an answer but I have a feeling the conversation might start with...

"Hey, Sis, this is going to hurt to hear, but that sucked what you said..."
